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YC 2016 Games Legacy Debate

Start Date


End Date



UTC@MediaCityUK, Salford, Greater Manchester

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1. EDUCATION - attendance, attainment and performance

The Youth Charter’s four-year Games Legacy consultation culminated in the #legacyopportunity4all debate at UTC@MediaCityUK.

Following the London 2012 Games Legacy Pledge to ‘Inspire a Generation’, the Youth Charter hosted the 2012 Games Legacy Debate, bringing together young people from Greater Manchester face to face with a panel representing sport, arts, education and business. The chair was the Rt. Hon John Bercow MP, Speaker of the House of Commons. The discussion centred on how a ‘legacy opportunity 4 all’ could be truly equitably diverse and inclusive. Pupils and students from UTC@MediaCityUK were supported by the Youth Charter in the planning and delivery of the debate. A further seven schools and colleges participated in the debate. Prior to the delivery of the debate a Youth Charter 2016 Games Legacy Debate Survey was completed by 863 pupils and students from 10 schools, colleges and university from the North West of England.

Activity Numbers

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Schools & Partner Agencies participated in the YC 2016 Games Legacy Debate


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Young People participated in the YC 2016 Games Legacy Debate


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Social Coaches/Staff participated in the YC 2016 Games Legacy Debate


Activity Report

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Activity Videos


Activity Gallery

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